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Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Applied Psychology
Master's degree (M) (studying): Physician Associate Studies
Vocational Education and Training (VET): Psychology and Social Studies
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Nabil in a nutshell
Are you seeking guidance to make informed career choices, develop leadership skills, and enhance emotional well-being? Do you want to gain clarity, courage, and confidence to navigate life's challenges and achieve your personal and professional goals?

If so, I can help!

With a personalised approach, I empower individuals to identify their unique gifts and set meaningful goals. Through private s...
Are you seeking guidance to make informed career choices, develop leadership skills, and enhance emotional well-being? Do you want to gain clarity, courage, and confidence to navigate life's challenges and achieve your personal and professional goals?

If so, I can help!

With a personalised approach, I empower individuals to identify their unique gifts and set meaningful goals. Through private sessions, I use active listening, set curated articles, and implement quizzes to support your growth. My coaching sessions are designed to help you:

- Make informed career choices and navigate transitions
-Develop and enhance your leadership skills
- Improve your emotional intelligence and resilience
- Identify and leverage your strengths
- Overcome self-limiting beliefs
- Create a clear and compelling vision for your future
- Stay motivated and focused on your goals
- Build confidence and self-belief

Drawing on my experience in leadership, multidisciplinary collaboration, and behaviour change techniques, I provide a comprehensive and supportive approach to your development. Together, we will overcome obstacles and bring your vision to life.

Please reach out to learn more about how I can support you on your journey to success. I look forward to working with you!
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