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Mussawir Ahmed
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Mussawir Ahmed
Town/city/borough Sutton (London), Banstead, Carshalton, Hackbridge, Wallington (Greater London), Woodmansterne
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: MBBS
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Mussawir Ahmed in a nutshell
Hi there! As we get started, i will try to gauge your level of knowledge which will help me tailor the sessions to your specific needs.

Now, let's set some clear learning objectives. What do you hope to achieve from this session? By setting these goals, we can make sure that we stay on track and you leave with a solid understanding of the material.

To teach in an interactive and engaging way, I...
Hi there! As we get started, i will try to gauge your level of knowledge which will help me tailor the sessions to your specific needs.

Now, let's set some clear learning objectives. What do you hope to achieve from this session? By setting these goals, we can make sure that we stay on track and you leave with a solid understanding of the material.

To teach in an interactive and engaging way, I'll use visual aids such as models and diagrams. This will help you understand complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, I encourage you to ask questions and engage in discussions to enhance your understanding.

We'll also use case studies and problem-solving exercises to help you apply your knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. This way, you'll see how concepts are applied in real-life situations.

We will practice quizzes and tests to evaluate your understanding of the material and identify areas for improvement. I'll provide feedback on your performance and guide you on how to improve.

At the end of the session, we'll recap the key points and summarize the main takeaways. This will help you remember the material and solidify your understanding.

After the session, I'll follow up with you to see how you are progressing and provide additional support if needed. Please provide me with feedback on the session so that I can improve my teaching methods and ensure that they are meeting your needs.

By following this interactive and discussion-based teaching method plan, I believe you will understand complex anatomy concepts and achieve your learning goals.
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