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Musa in a nutshell
Sessions would be mostly student led, with a fluid format depending on what works best for the student I would be working with. The student would ideally inform me about the topic they would like to learn in advance so that I could gather materials and resources for it, and then I would start off by making sure they have a firm grasp on the basic theory of the subject, and then finishing off with...
Sessions would be mostly student led, with a fluid format depending on what works best for the student I would be working with. The student would ideally inform me about the topic they would like to learn in advance so that I could gather materials and resources for it, and then I would start off by making sure they have a firm grasp on the basic theory of the subject, and then finishing off with some exam questions that we would do together in order to consolidate their knowledge and practise good exam technique at the same time
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