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verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
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Secondary school
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Munira in a nutshell
My lessons start off with a warm activity to be able to identify the student's strengths and weaknesses. By then we will jump forward to the weakest points carrying on an in-depth understanding through slides, verbal and theory activities. With the help of my prepared slides, students will constantly be practicing throughout the lessons and I'll be supervising them along the way as well as suppor...
My lessons start off with a warm activity to be able to identify the student's strengths and weaknesses. By then we will jump forward to the weakest points carrying on an in-depth understanding through slides, verbal and theory activities. With the help of my prepared slides, students will constantly be practicing throughout the lessons and I'll be supervising them along the way as well as supporting them when needed.
In the last 10 minutes of the class, students will go over a mini-assessment test in order to boost their confidence and see how much they've overcome in one lesson.

I believe that every student has the potential to excel, and I am committed to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters their growth and development. I have a strong passion for learning and am dedicated to creating lessons that are both informative and engaging, as well as motivating my students to achieve their full potential.

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