I am a PhD in Biochemistry with research experience in education and natural products chemistry. I believe that science is best learnt through discovery and I try to incorporate that in my teaching. I aim to create a teaching experience in which students are incentivized to learn and experiment as opposed to regurgitating certain facts in order to obtain a grade. I understand that many undergradu...
I am a PhD in Biochemistry with research experience in education and natural products chemistry. I believe that science is best learnt through discovery and I try to incorporate that in my teaching. I aim to create a teaching experience in which students are incentivized to learn and experiment as opposed to regurgitating certain facts in order to obtain a grade. I understand that many undergraduates, especially in the sciences, have varying motivations in pursuing their majors. While some are motivated by a curiosity in their field of study, others see it as a means to an end in order to be serve society better, either as doctors or researchers. I believe that there is no right or wrong motivation and it is my job as an instructor to design a course that appeals to either type of student.
An integral component is getting to know my students and designing the course based on their needs. While I do lay out an outline of expectations and a tentative schedule of course content, I try to build flexibility into the course outline,n terms of topics that will be covered, based on what I learn about my students from the initial class periods.
Ultimately, for me, teaching is definitely not about delivering course content. In the world we live in today, students have access to all the content they need on their fingertips. Our job as teachers is to create a classroom environment which increases curiosity in the students and makes them want to learn and to stimulate our students to think critically and creatively.
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