I myself have taught in various fields whether it be in religious institutions or within secular educational settings. I have worked alongside individuals to teach students of all age ranges from sixth form all the way down to primary school students allowing me a greater degree of flexibility in my ability to break down certain topics and guide students in developing their confidence.
My teachi...
I myself have taught in various fields whether it be in religious institutions or within secular educational settings. I have worked alongside individuals to teach students of all age ranges from sixth form all the way down to primary school students allowing me a greater degree of flexibility in my ability to break down certain topics and guide students in developing their confidence.
My teaching style primarily consists of firstly establishing a base line for what you know already so that I do not begin to patronise you, then from there I will look at any weaknesses and focus on on those topics and try to break them down while correcting any potential misconceptions that may be responsible for lack of understanding. I am very much someone who is for understanding over memorisation. Then once I have explained the theory behind it, I will work through a few questions of ranging difficulty with the students and then supervise them as they have their own attempts in order to build their confidence.
This is a process that isn’t usually too fast however it is efficient and maximises the time you will be spending with me as I will be solely working on fields where you feel you need help rather than me recovering areas or fields where you already possess inherent strengths. My premise which I cannot stress enough is that I prefer for my students to understand a particular concept rather than to copy and paste from the text book because it removes a layer of appreciation for the topic but also makes those outlandish questions at the end of the exam papers slightly harder.