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Muhammad Anzar
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Muhammad Anzar
Town/city/borough Manchester, Burnedge, Castleton (Borough of Rochdale), Hopwood (Borough of Rochdale), Rochdale, Slattocks, Trub
verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
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Muhammad Anzar in a nutshell
i have done Bachelors degree in Computer Science and I am Doing Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence. I have worked 4+ years as Software Engineer and 3+ years as a Tutor.
I can help you with a variety of courses in your degree or otherwise.
List of Some Courses are:
Object Oriented Programming.
Programming Fundamentals.
C C++ Java Programming.
Web Development.
Advanced Programming.
i have done Bachelors degree in Computer Science and I am Doing Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence. I have worked 4+ years as Software Engineer and 3+ years as a Tutor.
I can help you with a variety of courses in your degree or otherwise.
List of Some Courses are:
Object Oriented Programming.
Programming Fundamentals.
C C++ Java Programming.
Web Development.
Advanced Programming.
Operating Systems.
Database Management System.
Web Development.
Python Programming.
Artificial Intelligence.
Data Science.

Lessons Format will be incremental approach from beginner to advanced to Industry standard enterprise level.

I will created lectures from basics to advanced and if you have more knowledge we will skip through the basics and move towards advance so that you can get more time to work with me regarding learning professional skills.

A dummy lecture for Web Development is like:

Beginner Level

Introduction to Web Development
What is Web Development? (Frontend vs Backend)
Overview of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Setting up your development environment (code editor, browser, etc.)
Understanding the web: How websites work (HTTP, DNS, servers, clients)

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
Basic HTML structure
HTML elements and attributes
Text formatting, lists, links, images
Forms: input elements, buttons, form validation
HTML5 Semantic Elements (header, footer, section, etc.)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Introduction to CSS: Syntax and structure
CSS Selectors and Specificity
Styling text, backgrounds, borders, and layout
Box Model: margin, padding, and border
Positioning: static, relative, absolute, fixed
Flexbox and CSS Grid for layouts
Responsive design with Media Queries

Basic JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript: Syntax and data types
Variables, conditionals, loops, and functions
DOM Manipulation: selecting and modifying HTML elements
Events: click, change, submit, etc.
JavaScript Debugging (console and tools)

Version Control with Git
Introduction to Git: what and why?
Basic Git commands (init, clone, add, commit, push, pull)
Creating a repository and working with branches
Collaborating on projects using GitHub/GitLab

Intermediate Level

Advanced HTML & CSS
Advanced form elements (file uploads, date pickers)
CSS animations and transitions
Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
CSS Variables and Sass/SCSS introduction
Accessibility (a11y) best practices

Intermediate JavaScript
ES6+ features: arrow functions, destructuring, spread/rest operators
Objects, Arrays, and their methods (map, filter, reduce)
Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, async/await
Error handling with try/catch
Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies

Introduction to Frontend Frameworks
Why use frameworks/libraries?
Introduction to React/Vue/Angular (Choose one)
Setting up a basic project with a framework
Components, state, and props (React example)
Handling events and user inputs

Responsive Web Design
Mobile-first design approach
Fluid grids and flexible images
Building layouts for multiple devices (tablet, desktop, mobile)
Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS for responsive design

Basic Web APIs

What are APIs? Introduction to REST
Fetching data from external APIs using fetch/Axios
Introduction to JSON (parsing and using JSON data)
Form submission using AJAX
CORS and handling API errors

Advanced Level

Backend Development Fundamentals

Introduction to server-side development
Overview of Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby (Choose one backend language)
Setting up a server (using Express.js for Node, Laravel for PHP)
Routing, request handling, and rendering dynamic content
Introduction to databases (SQL vs NoSQL)
CRUD operations with databases (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL)

Authentication and Authorization

User authentication basics (Session-based vs Token-based)
JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication
Role-based access control (RBAC)
OAuth and third-party logins (Google, Facebook)

Advanced JavaScript (Full-stack)

Working with WebSockets and real-time communication
Introduction to Node.js modules and NPM
Building a RESTful API using Express.js (or Laravel API with PHP)
Server-side rendering vs client-side rendering
Error handling in backend applications

Version Control (Advanced)

Advanced Git techniques (rebasing, cherry-picking, stashing)
Managing multiple branches in a team
Continuous Integration (CI) and Deployment (CD) with GitHub Actions

Working with Databases

Advanced queries with SQL (joins, indexes, views)
Database design principles (normalization, relationships)
Introduction to ORMs (Eloquent for Laravel, Mongoose for Node.js)
Database migrations and version control

Expert Level

Web Performance Optimization

Measuring performance (Google Lighthouse, DevTools)
Optimizing CSS and JavaScript (minification, compression)
Lazy loading images and assets
Caching strategies (HTTP caching, service workers)
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Introduction to PWA concepts (Service Workers, Web App Manifest)
Making websites installable as apps
Offline capabilities and caching strategies
Push notifications

Security Best Practices

Common web vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection)
Protecting sensitive data (encryption, HTTPS)
Using security headers (Content Security Policy, X-Frame-Options)
Security auditing tools and processes

DevOps & Deployment

Setting up a production environment (Linux, Apache, Nginx)
Docker: containerizing applications
Automating deployment with CI/CD pipelines
Server monitoring and performance tracking (Grafana, Prometheus)

Advanced Frontend Topics

State management in React/Vue (Redux, Vuex)
SSR (Server-Side Rendering) with Next.js/Nuxt.js
WebAssembly introduction
Micro-frontends architecture
Advanced performance optimization for complex apps

Project Building & Capstone

Capstone Project

Building a complete web application (Frontend + Backend)
Planning, designing, and documenting the project
Implementing authentication, authorization, and APIs
Deploying the project using a cloud provider (AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku)
Testing and optimizing for performance and security

Portfolio Building & Best Practices

Designing and organizing your portfolio
Showcasing personal projects and real-world applications
Writing documentation and technical blogs
Interview preparation and coding challenges (LeetCode, HackerRank)
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