My Teaching and Learning Philosophy
Why teaching?
Teaching as an Art, exhibits ways in which the teacher can use a number of creative ways to teach the students and make learning enjoyable and meaningful. This has placed me not to be the presenter only, but the mentor, motivator, guide and above all, the impact in student’s lives and academic endeavours.
Active Learning
As a tea...
My Teaching and Learning Philosophy
Why teaching?
Teaching as an Art, exhibits ways in which the teacher can use a number of creative ways to teach the students and make learning enjoyable and meaningful. This has placed me not to be the presenter only, but the mentor, motivator, guide and above all, the impact in student’s lives and academic endeavours.
Active Learning
As a teacher, I believe that one can take a horse to the river but he/she cannot make him drink water. Meaning, for teaching and learning to take place effectively, it is imperative that I create a conducive environment. I do achieve this mostly by treating every learner equally with the respect they deserve, thereby, motivating them to take part in the teaching and learning processes. Therefore, differentiation in every class I teach is a priority as students are gifted differently. This helps me to identify different tasks catering for different students.
To promote deeper processing of information, I directly engage students with the material and contextualize the examples so that they can apply the knowledge they learn. For example, when teaching statistics under the measures of central tendency, I would help the learners form groups, and conduct a research on different topics such as, “the influence of the teacher on the teaching and learning of Mathematics.” They would conduct a research within the school, compile the data and find the mean, mode and median of the responses.
Diverse Teaching Styles
To raise the curiosity in learners of wanting to learn, I incorporate the way students learn into my teaching. Therefore, I do use different teaching styles/methods and approaches. Among them, I do employ role plays, group discussion, Teacher exposition, demonstrations, field work/ research and use of different online platforms such as zoom and Google classroom. For example, when teaching Geography on, “factors contributing to rural-urban migration,” I would arrange a group, three or four days before the lesson, ask them to research on the topic, and organise for a role play. When it is time to teach in class, I would introduce the lesson, share the objectives with the learners, and then assigned students would pick it up and teach their friends through role play. This makes learning permanent, enjoyable and appreciated.
Collaborative Teaching and Learning
I do believe that we live collectively in the society and at every place of work. This belief has seen me grow professionally as I collaborate with my colleagues and students and learn from them. This has helped me to be an experienced teacher in teaching both local and international Curricular such as IB DP and Cambridge IGCSE.
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