I believe in the TPS technique.Think-Pair-Share
This discussion technique gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in written form before engaging in meaningful conversation with other students. Asking students to write and discuss ideas with a partner before sharing with the larger group builds confidence, encourages greater participation, and results in more thoughtful discussions...
I believe in the TPS technique.Think-Pair-Share
This discussion technique gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in written form before engaging in meaningful conversation with other students. Asking students to write and discuss ideas with a partner before sharing with the larger group builds confidence, encourages greater participation, and results in more thoughtful discussions.
Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This strategy requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates or tutor.
Teacher-centered methods,
Learner-centered methods,
Content-focused methods; and.
Interactive/participative methods.
Reading & conversing help immerse a student to understand the core of a new language.
Online learning.
Experiential learning.
Blended learning.
Game-based learning.
Student-centered learning.
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