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Mohibur Rahman
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Mohibur Rahman
Town/city/borough Hackney (London)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Mohibur Rahman in a nutshell
My goal after each lesson is that they successfully achieve their objectives. I make sure that they feel relaxed and calm while learning so they can focus and enjoy the lesson at the same time. I am passionate for the subject maths and I’m sure I can make my students become passionate for it as well. I am a young teacher so I understand that if it’s getting too much for the student, we can take b...
My goal after each lesson is that they successfully achieve their objectives. I make sure that they feel relaxed and calm while learning so they can focus and enjoy the lesson at the same time. I am passionate for the subject maths and I’m sure I can make my students become passionate for it as well. I am a young teacher so I understand that if it’s getting too much for the student, we can take breaks in between and slowly break it the whole topic down until i am satisfied with how much they have learnt.
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