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Mohammed Talha
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
Mohammed Talha
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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): dentistry
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Mohammed Talha in a nutshell
Hi, my name is Talha. I have a lot of experience in helping many achieve top grades in sciences both at GCSE and at A level. I worked as a tutor at a company called Sky High tuition LTD, and tutored people ranging from ages up to 18. My preferred method of teaching is to explain topics and then to set exam questions to assess understanding, as i have learnt that the most efficient way to tackle G...
Hi, my name is Talha. I have a lot of experience in helping many achieve top grades in sciences both at GCSE and at A level. I worked as a tutor at a company called Sky High tuition LTD, and tutored people ranging from ages up to 18. My preferred method of teaching is to explain topics and then to set exam questions to assess understanding, as i have learnt that the most efficient way to tackle GCSE and A level sciences is through exam practice and being able to understand and analyse mark schemes. With my help I can ensure to help your child reach their maximum potential in both their GCSE sciences and their A levels.
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