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Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1st class free
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Town/city/borough Brighton, Bevendean, Hove, Preston Park, The City of and Hove
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience Response time <strong>100%</strong> Response time 100%
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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Computer Science
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Mohammad in a nutshell
My goal is to always ensure that my students are enjoying their lessons and what they are learning. Achieving this ensures that my students can gain confidence and independence, and thus they are able to learn independently. I ensure that my students also learn organisational and study skills that can help them achieve improved results and that can help them in their future educational journeys....
My goal is to always ensure that my students are enjoying their lessons and what they are learning. Achieving this ensures that my students can gain confidence and independence, and thus they are able to learn independently. I ensure that my students also learn organisational and study skills that can help them achieve improved results and that can help them in their future educational journeys.

I am experienced in teaching students of various levels and in various numbers. I have had experience teaching classes with 10+ students as well as teaching individual students in one-to-one sessions via online platforms or in-person.

Through my patience and ability to break complicated problems into small understandable information, I can provide my students with easy solutions to the problems they are facing and struggling with. I am always looking for problems that my students are struggling with whether these problems are mentally or physically and then try to solve these problems in the best way possible.

I also believe in the "practice makes perfect" approach and therefore I tend to challenge my students to ensure that they get "the best" results instead of only "good" results. As a result, I always try to give my students something to work on before meeting them again.

Finally, through my experience, I have been blessed by attaining considerable love and respect from my students and I have been proud of seeing plenty of improved results and a change in the mentalities of my students.

Looking forward to connect with you!
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