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Modupe Babatunde
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Modupe Babatunde
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Modupe Babatunde in a nutshell
I love to create easy to understand notes on topic i am about to teach while i reference practical everyday examples that would make it simple for students and pupils to understand. I also give assignments and allow for group discussions so the students can get to digest the topics better. I reteach students especially those who find it difficult understanding my topic at once over and over again...
I love to create easy to understand notes on topic i am about to teach while i reference practical everyday examples that would make it simple for students and pupils to understand. I also give assignments and allow for group discussions so the students can get to digest the topics better. I reteach students especially those who find it difficult understanding my topic at once over and over again till they get the knowledge i want to impact.
Then before exams, i conduct tests and even practical tests as well to grade my students. Then i later conduct general exams to assess their overall knowledge of the classes and topics i took them through. From my experience, every effort of the student in my class assignments, project and class work is never undermined and i add this as well to their overall grades
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