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Misturah in a nutshell
I am all about understanding!
Ensuring that my students have a thorough understanding of what they're learning.

I understand how in some schools, sometimes you don't receive as much one-on-one time with your teachers. And with me, you will be able to air out everything that you don't understand!
I am someone that believes in individualised learning- we don't all learn the same way; so with me, I...
I am all about understanding!
Ensuring that my students have a thorough understanding of what they're learning.

I understand how in some schools, sometimes you don't receive as much one-on-one time with your teachers. And with me, you will be able to air out everything that you don't understand!
I am someone that believes in individualised learning- we don't all learn the same way; so with me, I will have multiple methods available so that the learning can be tailored to the individual's needs.
Hence why with me, I will let my students talk a lot!

I'm all about getting to know my students!

In terms of learning, I am a huge believer in using the mark scheme! The exam mark scheme has the essential guidelines that show the student exactly what they need to achieve top marks.
So I will guide my students through the expectations of the mark scheme and work my students through that list; I believe this is a more effective use of a student's time.
This was the method I used at GSCE, and I received 8s and 9s all across the board.

With me you will be heard, seen and poured into to bring out the best within you! I love taking my time to get to know my students and understanding their strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes!
Misturah teaches here
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