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Town/city/borough London, Barnes, Barons Court, East Sheen, Hammersmith (), Kensington (), Kew, Kew Gardens, Kew Green, Mortlake, Riverside
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Miles in a nutshell
My lessons are interactive and tailored to each student's unique needs. I provide a comprehensive guide on portfolio creation and ensure students meet their assessment deadlines with confidence. With extensive experience in high-pressure environments, I understand the challenges aspiring art students face and am familiar with navigating these stresses. My empathetic approach, combined with a stru...
My lessons are interactive and tailored to each student's unique needs. I provide a comprehensive guide on portfolio creation and ensure students meet their assessment deadlines with confidence. With extensive experience in high-pressure environments, I understand the challenges aspiring art students face and am familiar with navigating these stresses. My empathetic approach, combined with a structured and goal-oriented methodology, ensures that each student achieves their desired outcomes while nurturing their creativity and artistic growth.

In addition to general art and design principles, I can offer specialized instruction in jewelry making, working with silver, and creating ceramic sculptures. My background in these areas allows me to teach both traditional techniques and innovative approaches, giving students a well-rounded skill set. I enjoy hands-on projects and believe they foster a deeper understanding of materials and processes and will encourage my students to document their processes rigorously.

Moreover, I emphasize the importance of critical thinking and self-reflection in the artistic process. Through regular critiques and constructive feedback sessions, students learn to evaluate their work objectively and develop a professional mindset. My lessons also include exposure to modern art practices and artists, helping students stay informed about current trends and inspiring them to push the boundaries of their creativity. Social media and the world around me has been a major influence in my personal work and I will encourage my students to explore the world around them in order to feed their creativity.

By fostering a supportive and inspiring learning environment, I will help students build the confidence and technical skills necessary to succeed in their art studies and future endeavors. My commitment to their success goes beyond technical instruction; I aim to cultivate a lifelong passion for art and design alike to what I have developed.
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