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Town/city/borough Longford
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Michaela in a nutshell
Hello I am a certified Forensic toxicologist, I went to college in AIT Athlone, Ireland.
I am looking to try to help anyone with an interest in biology or seeking help with there studies for exams.
I give my 1st lesson free with a discount on your 2nd lesson should you choose to return to my tutoring sessions.
A checklist will be provided on the 1st lesson to help me understand where you need...
Hello I am a certified Forensic toxicologist, I went to college in AIT Athlone, Ireland.
I am looking to try to help anyone with an interest in biology or seeking help with there studies for exams.
I give my 1st lesson free with a discount on your 2nd lesson should you choose to return to my tutoring sessions.
A checklist will be provided on the 1st lesson to help me understand where you need help. This will make it easier to plan the next lesson and time will be spent efficiently.
If you are working from a book please make sure to mention the title, author, and edition of book to help with exam study, so that we are on the same page.
I offer notes in diagram format, word format and if required I can make some personal quiz questions for topics to help you with studying.
I try to keep my notes to the point and then elaborate afterwards, once the main points are learned.
I will always try my best to provide any support required or teaching tools should you need them. All you have to do is ask.
Feel free to email me any time any questions you may have and I will always reply as soon as possible. When it's exams season I will be on stand by for any questions or additional last minute support required.
I look forward to working with you and helping you study and learn a wonderful subject with all its ups and downs.
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