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1st class free
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Town/city/borough King's Cross
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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Mercy in a nutshell
I have a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Sociology and currently pursuing a master's in Corporate communication.

As an educator, I am always looking for ways to enhance my general and technical skills, to better deliver English language training and enable my students to achieve their full potential. It is thrilling when you find yourself in an institution that shares the same values of pr...
I have a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Sociology and currently pursuing a master's in Corporate communication.

As an educator, I am always looking for ways to enhance my general and technical skills, to better deliver English language training and enable my students to achieve their full potential. It is thrilling when you find yourself in an institution that shares the same values of professional growth as its teaching team and is willing to invest in it.

Recently, I have been teaching English in France for the past 7 months and I am very passionate about my work. I have helped students with their spoken language positively impacting all their levels of language mastery.

I like to keep it playful and impactful. My approach is the simpler and the more practical it is, the better! I like arts and music and like to tailor classes around students' interests for the most impact. I am highly motivated to keep doing this and would like a chance to discuss my qualifications further.

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