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Melisa in a nutshell
I would teach you according to the spec and in the order most suited to you. I would use demonstrations and link videos to things which may need more visual support. I would have you complete worksheets so we both know what style or questions you struggle at most so future lessons can be tailored to suit you.

There would be a summary of your performance towards the end of the lessons and questi...
I would teach you according to the spec and in the order most suited to you. I would use demonstrations and link videos to things which may need more visual support. I would have you complete worksheets so we both know what style or questions you struggle at most so future lessons can be tailored to suit you.

There would be a summary of your performance towards the end of the lessons and questions would always be welcome.

I would ensure that you have enough exam practise and try and make sure you are on top of your work for school so you don’t fall behind as in A-level lots of work is needed.

Lessons would be as long you need them to be weekly at arranged between the two of us for a date and time which works for the both of us.

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