Literacy lessons: I enjoy teaching language and literacy in a simple and structured way- I build on skills in an incremental way using a structured literacy approach.
I also use multi-sensory methods, such as using manipulatives or sensory materials to engage learners who need movement and sensory input to support their focus. I also use visually appealing materials, including toys, books, videos...
Literacy lessons: I enjoy teaching language and literacy in a simple and structured way- I build on skills in an incremental way using a structured literacy approach.
I also use multi-sensory methods, such as using manipulatives or sensory materials to engage learners who need movement and sensory input to support their focus. I also use visually appealing materials, including toys, books, videos for children who are visual learners.
Language lessons: I use visual and multi-sensory methods to teach language in a structured and simple way. I use evidence based approaches including colourful semantics and shape coding to teach sentence structure and grammar.
I always ensure to ask the child about their specific interests and build sessions around their individual interests.
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