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Mayurden in a nutshell
I hold 11 GCSEs, 4 A-levels, and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Warwick University. Having successfully navigated the 11+ exams myself, passing every entrance exam I applied for, I understand the challenges your child faces. With my extensive academic background and personal experience, I'm dedicated to helping your child excel in their entrance exams and achieve their full pote...
I hold 11 GCSEs, 4 A-levels, and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Warwick University. Having successfully navigated the 11+ exams myself, passing every entrance exam I applied for, I understand the challenges your child faces. With my extensive academic background and personal experience, I'm dedicated to helping your child excel in their entrance exams and achieve their full potential.

Lessons will be conducted through Zoom or Teams, utilizing online tools to enhance the learning experience. Each session will be customized to meet your child's specific needs, ensuring personalized and effective tutoring.

The initial 15 minutes of the first lesson will focus on understanding your child's needs and identifying their areas of difficulty. Together, we will develop a customized plan for the coming weeks to address these challenges. As the exams approach, we will adjust the plan to ensure optimal preparation. Typically, we will begin with exercise books, progressing through them comprehensively, and then transition to exam papers two months before the exams to ensure thorough readiness.

I encourage students to ask as many questions as possible to address any challenges they may be facing. Understanding that not all children are comfortable voicing their concerns, I strive to create a light-hearted and supportive atmosphere. This approach helps children feel at ease and more willing to express themselves freely.
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