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Max nishanth
1st class free
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Max nishanth
Town/city/borough Colchester
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): economics bsc
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Max nishanth in a nutshell
Welcome to my mathematics tutoring service! My lessons are designed to help students of all levels and abilities improve their skills and develop a love for math. I use a personalized approach to tutoring, tailoring each session to the individual needs and learning styles of my students. During our lessons, I focus on helping you understand the underlying concepts behind math problems, rather tha...
Welcome to my mathematics tutoring service! My lessons are designed to help students of all levels and abilities improve their skills and develop a love for math. I use a personalized approach to tutoring, tailoring each session to the individual needs and learning styles of my students. During our lessons, I focus on helping you understand the underlying concepts behind math problems, rather than just memorizing formulas or procedures. This approach helps students develop a deeper understanding of math and apply their knowledge to real-world situations.

My lessons are dynamic and interactive, with plenty of opportunities for students to ask questions and work through problems collaboratively. I use a variety of teaching tools and techniques, including visual aids and real-world examples, to help students engage with the material and stay motivated. Whether you're struggling with basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or calculus, I have the experience and expertise to help you succeed.

I have several years of experience teaching and tutoring math, working with students from diverse backgrounds and skill levels. I hold a degree in Mathematics and have a deep understanding of the subject matter. I am patient, supportive, and dedicated to helping my students achieve their academic goals. So if you're looking for a math tutor who can help you improve your skills and develop a love for the subject, look no further!
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