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Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
Town/city/borough Alcalá de Henares
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): Contabilidad
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Mary in a nutshell
I have one year experience teaching in person and online with kids ranging from 17-15. I can teach in person in Madrid, Spain where I am based. As kids are usually nervous, I start each lesson with a short vocabulary game to teach them that learning English can be fun! Then I will get into the more important aspects such as reading, listening, conversation and grammar. I encourage orally speaking...
I have one year experience teaching in person and online with kids ranging from 17-15. I can teach in person in Madrid, Spain where I am based. As kids are usually nervous, I start each lesson with a short vocabulary game to teach them that learning English can be fun! Then I will get into the more important aspects such as reading, listening, conversation and grammar. I encourage orally speaking as often as possible! This is perfect for online lessons as it can be difficult sometimes to see how the student is writing. I use the Cambridge exam as the basis of my lessons and levels. Each milestone in which the child should reach is laid out through this exam and is the most popular for non native speakers. I understand that grammar is very difficult sometimes as a language learner myself so I take my time with the kids, we can revise it as much as necessary and there is no pressure in my classroom. Furthermore, I love listening activities! I will find out your children’s interests and gear the listening activities towards them such as dancing or football or their favourite singers! By doing it this way the children are more likely to stay engaged in the activity and learn more vocabulary! Lastly my main focus is making sure your child is enjoying the experience and journey. The last thing I want is for them to dislike learning another language when it is such a sought after skill.
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