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Martin in a nutshell
For me, personally... Almost everything in life, language learning included, boils down to enjoying and having a good time in the process. My philosophy is all about getting the student (and myself) excited and pumped about what is going on during the class, about what is coming up next, and approaching the subjects with a open mind and curiosity and at the same time putting in the required time...
For me, personally... Almost everything in life, language learning included, boils down to enjoying and having a good time in the process. My philosophy is all about getting the student (and myself) excited and pumped about what is going on during the class, about what is coming up next, and approaching the subjects with a open mind and curiosity and at the same time putting in the required time and work in order for the class and the learning process to move forward as fast and naturally as possible.
I have found in my own learning journey and personal experience in studying many languages, that there is really one huge main factor that can make all the difference in whether you progress and improve in your learning fast or if you get stuck and you feel disappointed and just don't see much results at all, just making you want to quit, and that factor is being interested and excited about the subjects that you are reading about, writing about and studying about. For me realizing this was such an aha moment, and that honestly changed everything. I started adding more materials that were in line with the subjects and the things I really enjoyed and felt passionate about. Like doing research and reading about the topics that were relevant for me personally at the time. At the same time, I just started using other really powerful tools and approaches such as listening to music and studying the lyrics of songs I would play over and over, listening to podcasts that touched on topics I found interesting and exciting, watching movies and tv shows online and putting english subtitles instead of subtitles in Spanish, and then eventually move on to watching the entire thing with no subtitles at all.
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