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Marlien in a nutshell
I like start my lessons by going over the previous lesson's homework. We then go through a PowerPoint presentation where you either learn a new concept or where we go over something that you are doing at school. I like to follow up the PowerPoint with a game or worksheets related to the work we just did. Before we end our lesson I go over the homework for the next lesson. I like to encourage my s...
I like start my lessons by going over the previous lesson's homework. We then go through a PowerPoint presentation where you either learn a new concept or where we go over something that you are doing at school. I like to follow up the PowerPoint with a game or worksheets related to the work we just did. Before we end our lesson I go over the homework for the next lesson. I like to encourage my students to ask questions and not to be scared to make mistakes and get some answers wrong because that's how we learn!
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