initial guidance training that allows graduates and career changers?to learn from some of the best teachers and leaders in the profession. In view of my own belief, TF's ethos is to aims to give every young person an education and real life choices regardless of their background and initial capabilities. TFTP provides access to a high-quality teaching education and works in all regions of soc...
initial guidance training that allows graduates and career changers?to learn from some of the best teachers and leaders in the profession. In view of my own belief, TF's ethos is to aims to give every young person an education and real life choices regardless of their background and initial capabilities. TFTP provides access to a high-quality teaching education and works in all regions of social strata in order to provide students with increased academic/lifeskills capabilities. This is where my beliefs match those of the teaching competencies necessary to fulfil these expectations and make a difference to the wide spectrum of students.
It's appeal/motivations: strongly believe the programme has a dedicated tutor overseeing every aspect of the student teacher training, supplies a personal coach who offers advice and support, staff in-school who dedicate provision for development, university and other access to education-experts across the network. It supplies continuous support and guidance to build confidence in managing a classroom and assisting teachers' controlling behaviours.
Further student teacher's engagement: the programme allows development to become a great teacher so after successfully completing the challenging and exciting training year. Students benefit, by trusting an authorative/ambassador figure, leading to a highly purposeful and rewarding contribution in the classroom with highly supportive mentors and leaders. This tailors the newly qualified teacher programme, within the DofE’s 'career framework expectations'. Directly supporting/enabling a moral purpose of equality in student education to provide uplifting experiences within the spectrum of students.
The Student Leader position works under the department of widening social participation and, as such, promotes a number of schemes designed to introduce the local community youth into the concept of entering higher education. My specific duties included:
* Resident mentor for a week-long intensive study aid for 16 year olds
* Frequent leader for organised visits from schools with minor teaching assistant duties in specific subjects
* Examination marking and feedback (mathematics) for national youth competition
* Organisation and delivery of services pertaining to the above
* Weekly tuition of GCSE Mathematics to groups of local school students.
As a semi-employment 'student tutor,' for GCSE and A - levels, and classroom assistant experiences (two schools in Newcastle Upon Tyne), I participated in the school departmental promotion of widening social participation and schemes designed to introduce the local student community youth into the concept of entering higher education.
My specific duties included:
* Resident mentor for a week-long intensive study aid for 16 year olds
* Frequent leader for organised visits from schools with minor teaching assistant duties in specific subjects
* Examination marking and feedback (mathematics) for national youth competition
* Organisation and delivery of services pertaining to the above
* Weekly tuition of GCSE Mathematics to groups of local school students.
Developed and delivered a series of materials aimed at teaching young people how to program:
• The language chosen was C
• This operated as an after-school class in two locations in Wales
• Delivered over the course of a few months, on a weekly basis.