Hi there! I am a nineteen-year-old girl wanting to spread my love for languages, specially English, Catalan and Spanish. This is why, while pursuing my education in the fashion field, I also worked part-time as a teacher at Kids & Us. This experience taught me how to manage larger class sizes, work with kids of various skill levels and backgrounds, and use technology to encourage learning and ret...
Hi there! I am a nineteen-year-old girl wanting to spread my love for languages, specially English, Catalan and Spanish. This is why, while pursuing my education in the fashion field, I also worked part-time as a teacher at Kids & Us. This experience taught me how to manage larger class sizes, work with kids of various skill levels and backgrounds, and use technology to encourage learning and retention. In addition, I’ve studied and continue to stay up to date on the latest educational software, such as SMARTboard, Nearpod, and Google Classroom.
My lessons are very dynamic and, as I’m considerably young, I consider myself to be closer to students as I tend to understand them better. I love watching them achieve everything they set out to do using the tools learned in class and being able to help them with everything they need.
I hope my profile suits you and I’m looking forward to working with you all!
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