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Town/city/borough Glasgow
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Marion in a nutshell
I really enjoyed teaching and I have solid experience in teaching French. I have taught French across different settings, including national French Alliances, university, secondary schools and primary schools.
I help students in evaluating their own thinking, identifying their common mistakes and allowing scope

How will be your first lesson?

We will speak about your needs (why do you want to...
I really enjoyed teaching and I have solid experience in teaching French. I have taught French across different settings, including national French Alliances, university, secondary schools and primary schools.
I help students in evaluating their own thinking, identifying their common mistakes and allowing scope

How will be your first lesson?

We will speak about your needs (why do you want to learn French) and I will explain you how to use google drive to do exercises that I can check in the same time. I will then test a bit your 4 skills (listening/writing/reading/speaking) to situate your level. I will also ask you what are you interested in in general so I can use these topics through the lesson ( culture, gastronomy, news etc.)

Repetition is one of the keys in my teaching. You will become confident quickly. I will construct a pathway adapted to your objectives
I use different support materials and techniques, articles, videos, to try to make the lesson the most pleasant possible.
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