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Maria Yvonne
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Maria Yvonne
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Maria Yvonne in a nutshell
Basic Mathematics for Primary and Secondary Learners. I am expert in making interactive games for our lesson to effectively teach my learners.

Here are some standards that you will meet with me:

*The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to ordinal numbers up to 100th

*The learner demonstrates under...
Basic Mathematics for Primary and Secondary Learners. I am expert in making interactive games for our lesson to effectively teach my learners.

Here are some standards that you will meet with me:

*The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to ordinal numbers up to 100th

*The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables).

*The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (sequences, series, polynomials, polynomial equations, and polynomial functions)

Other Topics can be discussed with me.
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