Hi there, my name is Mana and I'm a third year vet student - I've always enjoyed learning and achieved 3A* at A level (Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics). I got 8s and 9s for all my GCSEs including triple science, maths, latin, geography, art, french, statistics, further maths and japanese; as I'm quite a visual learner I used drawings, videos and mindmaps along with flashcards and note-takng to...
Hi there, my name is Mana and I'm a third year vet student - I've always enjoyed learning and achieved 3A* at A level (Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics). I got 8s and 9s for all my GCSEs including triple science, maths, latin, geography, art, french, statistics, further maths and japanese; as I'm quite a visual learner I used drawings, videos and mindmaps along with flashcards and note-takng to really understand concepts of each subject. Please get in touch if you're interested, I'd love to help!