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Maksymilian in a nutshell
I have experience informally teaching Polish and German to friends and family, however I can easily familiarise myself with the current GCSE and A Level language curricula.
I will endeavour to be flexible with my teaching style, as a person with ADHD I know how daunting and tedious lessons can be so I'll do my best to make our lessons as engaging and fun as possible! :)
Additionally, I will teach...
I have experience informally teaching Polish and German to friends and family, however I can easily familiarise myself with the current GCSE and A Level language curricula.
I will endeavour to be flexible with my teaching style, as a person with ADHD I know how daunting and tedious lessons can be so I'll do my best to make our lessons as engaging and fun as possible! :)
Additionally, I will teach the context and history behind the languages taught as I found in my personal experience that simply learning words in a vacuum made language learning appear disengaging.
I will use PowerPoint for the basic lesson plan with plenty of images and legible text (Comic sans, black on a white font), however I can adapt anything according to your accessibility needs. I do not believe in setting compulsory homework in a school-like manner, instead I will suggest websites, articles, videos, songs and podcasts that might prove helpful at the end of a lesson for you to browse at your convenience, no pressure to come back with a set of notes!
I will help with all aspects of exam technique through the use of real life contexts e.g., news articles to bring the topic to life. We can do mock speaking exams/speak only in the target language if that is something you feel comfortable doing as well.
Ultimately, the specificities of the lessons are down entirely to the individual needs of a given pupil :)
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