I have been a primary school teacher for six years in the United States. Before that, I worked with school age children throughout my four years of University and as my final year's project in high school. In all, I have over 11 years experience with school aged children. I'm certified to teach kids ages 3-14. I can help in any subject area - Maths, English, basic French, Science, or History. My...
I have been a primary school teacher for six years in the United States. Before that, I worked with school age children throughout my four years of University and as my final year's project in high school. In all, I have over 11 years experience with school aged children. I'm certified to teach kids ages 3-14. I can help in any subject area - Maths, English, basic French, Science, or History. My lessons last one hour and the timing is fairly flexible, especially on weekends. My lessons start with a quick check in, followed by an academic warm up, the main portion of the lesson, and a closing activity. I can leave time to help with homework or assignments as needed.
For the main portion of my lesson, I typically present the content of the day in a 5 minute block, then give the student time to explore the content with me. This could be through a guided research exploration, practice work, or a reading and writing assignment.
I am particularly specialized in reading. I have a Masters degree and specialized certificate as a reading specialist. I can tutor in any subject, but I am the most skilled at helping children learn how to read. I have consistently moved first graders (6 year olds) more than one year of reading in the 10 months I teach them.
In one hour a week, I can help you meet new goals, catch up on classwork, or move beyond your peers in class.