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Luqman Adedamola
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Luqman Adedamola
Town/city/borough Middlesbrough
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Luqman Adedamola in a nutshell
I am an experienced tutor who has been doing this for years now. I have had sessions with students on brainly, physical classes and in group. My class are interactive and discussions that are also followed with virtual laboratory simulations are used. Tutoring are on all brabches of biology, including bitany and zoology. Classes cover genetics, evolution, ecology, anatomy and immunology and lots...
I am an experienced tutor who has been doing this for years now. I have had sessions with students on brainly, physical classes and in group. My class are interactive and discussions that are also followed with virtual laboratory simulations are used. Tutoring are on all brabches of biology, including bitany and zoology. Classes cover genetics, evolution, ecology, anatomy and immunology and lots more
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