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Lucy Forbister
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Lucy Forbister
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Lucy Forbister in a nutshell
I'm a BJJ competitor, Yoga Instructor and Online Coach. I love helping people feel better with my knowledge of psychology and movement.
Activities like these brings people together and allow us to move our bodies, make them strong and have fun.
During my Yoga Class I will help you feel the mind and body connection through movement, test your ability and increase relaxation by the end of class.
I'm a BJJ competitor, Yoga Instructor and Online Coach. I love helping people feel better with my knowledge of psychology and movement.
Activities like these brings people together and allow us to move our bodies, make them strong and have fun.
During my Yoga Class I will help you feel the mind and body connection through movement, test your ability and increase relaxation by the end of class.
I love trying new ways of using the breathe and meditation to get people to understand how important it is to bring joy to daily life.
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