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Town/city/borough King's Cross, Clerkenwell, Euston (Greater London), Finsbury, Holborn, Russell Square
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Livia in a nutshell
I like to start by testing the knowledge level of my students, and if needed I would start form the basic. My principle is to make sure that my students know what they are learning before moving to any practice questions. I like learning new things and I hope to make my students experiencing the same joy, instead of finding studying to be tiring or exhausting.

I always make my students ask me qu...
I like to start by testing the knowledge level of my students, and if needed I would start form the basic. My principle is to make sure that my students know what they are learning before moving to any practice questions. I like learning new things and I hope to make my students experiencing the same joy, instead of finding studying to be tiring or exhausting.

I always make my students ask me questions if they don't undeestand something, and I will provide both written answers, literature and/or visual aids when needed to answer the question.

I have over 3 years of tutoring experience, and my students have always passed woth satisfactory results. I also always ask what their learning target then tailor my programme according to their goal. Besides learning new knowledge I am also experienced in getting and much score/points in exams.

If you trust me to help you then I will gladly to do so :)
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