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Secondary school
University students
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Lentle in a nutshell
I have briefly taught in primary and junior secondary schools as a temporary teacher in Botswana. I recently completed my higher education teaching diploma in Botswana which i gained the skill to teach in person by doing 100 hour teaching practice and online by undergoing training of teaching using technology. I also learnt about issues of quality when it comes to teaching and assessment as well...
I have briefly taught in primary and junior secondary schools as a temporary teacher in Botswana. I recently completed my higher education teaching diploma in Botswana which i gained the skill to teach in person by doing 100 hour teaching practice and online by undergoing training of teaching using technology. I also learnt about issues of quality when it comes to teaching and assessment as well as curriculum development aming other things.

I use learner centred methods when teaching because i believe that students learn better when they participate throughout the lesson rather than using the traditional lecture method and having them listen passively to the lecture the whole time.

So first i would want to hear what the students expects to benefit from our lessons/discussions as well as the content that the student would like us to cover. Going foward i would then prepare a slide presentation which includes lesson outcomes/objectives, content and a summary of the lesson. Through out the lesson we would be pausing to discuss areas that the student finds difficult. I would also give quizzes to ensure that the student has gained mastery of the content discussed. I would also give learners reading materials to use during their spare time to increase their understanding of the topic under discussion either before the lesson or after the lesson.

More importantly I would also try to prepare the student for exams by preparing assessments that are in line with the content learnt having different levels of difficulty.

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