I have over 12 years of teaching experience, ranging from GCSE to Master's Level, in related subject area's. I also was an examiner for Cambridge International AS and GCSE Business Studies. Law, Accounting and Economics.
What makes me a great tutor?
I am totally focused on the individual needs of students and helping them to fulfil their potential. As far as possible I endeavour to make the stud...
I have over 12 years of teaching experience, ranging from GCSE to Master's Level, in related subject area's. I also was an examiner for Cambridge International AS and GCSE Business Studies. Law, Accounting and Economics.
What makes me a great tutor?
I am totally focused on the individual needs of students and helping them to fulfil their potential. As far as possible I endeavour to make the student experience as enjoyable as possible and make every effort to engender confidence. In essence communication and mutual understanding are key to the student experience and a sense of trust needs to be created.
How do I plan to help students?
By making sure I have a clear understanding of their individual needs and as far as possible, at all points during a lesson, take the opportunity to garner feedback and ensure the student is comfortable and sufficiently stretched by the content and ensuring the lesson is structured, so as to ensure maximum value for the student.
What qualifications make me suitable?
all of my qualifications are professionally based, so that I have a thorough academic understanding of the subject areas, in the context of their application to real-world scenarios, which I can then relate back to students, this assists them greatly, with the ability to apply knowledge clearly.
My knowledge of the curriculum and exam expectations?
As an experienced lecturer and examiner, I am fully abreast with the curriculum framework and expectations of the various awarding bodies, especially with regards to grading expectations and standards.
Position: Lecturer Accounting & Finance (part-time)
Involved in teaching various modules on the BSc. Accounting & Finance (Hons) Degree (ACCA, CIMA, ACA Accredited)
Gloucestershire College
Position: HE Lead, Professional Studies
Involved in developing, leading and teaching professional and higher education courses, including ACCA, AAT, ILM, CIPD, CILEX, HNC/D Business.
Liverpool Hope University
Position: Tutor (Acting Cluster Leader)
BSc Accounting & Finance Degree (ACCA Accredited)
Performance Management, Financial Management, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Accountant in Business,
UK Regulatory Framework and Ethical Behaviour.
Into Manchester
Position: Lecturer in Economics, Business Finance and Accounting.
Part of NCUK Ltd (Universities of Manchester, Liverpool) International Foundation Programme in Humanities
(Economics) and Business Studies (Business Finance, Financial & Management Accounting)
Liverpool Community College
Position: Visiting Lecturer (Protocol National)
I have taught the following courses:
AAT Levels 3 & 4
AS/A2 Law, AS/A2 Level Accounting,
AS/A2 Level Economics, AS/A2 Level Business Studies;
I have over 10 years of teaching experience, ranging from GCSE to Master's Level, in related subject area's. I also was an examiner for Cambridge International AS and GCSE Business Studies.
I also have 30 years experience in industry, I had the opportunity to live in the United States for five years, which significantly broadened my perspectives. My teaching practice is informed by student engagement and facilitating the means by which people are able to maximise their abilities.
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