My experience with maths has been very hit or miss through school. Growing up I found that, although I enjoyed maths, it didn't always come naturally to me, and in a classroom environment, when a topic isn't understood it can be hard to grasp when the teaching is for a group of students. the solution to this was that I met up with my teacher 1-on-1 to go over topics I was weak at. Through individ...
My experience with maths has been very hit or miss through school. Growing up I found that, although I enjoyed maths, it didn't always come naturally to me, and in a classroom environment, when a topic isn't understood it can be hard to grasp when the teaching is for a group of students. the solution to this was that I met up with my teacher 1-on-1 to go over topics I was weak at. Through individual explanation and attention to working, I improved and went on to achieve an A grade in A-Level maths, after being told I would only get a C. I would love to provide this experience to younger students as I feel I could have benefitted so much from starting at a younger age.
I teach through task-based learning in maths as I feel practice is so important in understanding certain topics. I will explain how to solve a problem once on my own then aid the student with a few equations until they have achieved the right answer with minimal help, and then set a few questions for them to complete on their own to consolidate the method they have just learnt. using zoom, the ability to screen share means I can visually demonstrate step-by-step how to find an answer, and I can moderate how the student progresses too! Whilst completing their own work individually, they should know it's more than okay to make mistakes. It means they are able to reflect and see where they went wrong and are likely to not make the same error again!
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