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Town/city/borough Doncaster
verified Verified data time 5 years teaching experience
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Laura in a nutshell
I have a Master's Degree in teaching Spanish as a Second Language and a Bacherlor's Degree in Modern Languages (English and Chinese), which means that I can speak three languages (Spanish: native, English: proficiency, Chinese: upper intermidiate) and, therefore, I understand the difficulties that a foreign student may face during their journey learning Spanish.

I will personalise the lessons a...
I have a Master's Degree in teaching Spanish as a Second Language and a Bacherlor's Degree in Modern Languages (English and Chinese), which means that I can speak three languages (Spanish: native, English: proficiency, Chinese: upper intermidiate) and, therefore, I understand the difficulties that a foreign student may face during their journey learning Spanish.

I will personalise the lessons according to your needs and level in order to practise all the skills (speaking, listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary).

I also have great ICT skills, which I believe are essential to make our lessons more dynamic and innovative.

Please feel free to contact me anytime you want!
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