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Laughter Ibukunoluwa
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Laughter Ibukunoluwa
Town/city/borough Luton, Caddington, Pepperstock, Slip End, Stopsley, Woodside (Central Bedfordshire)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Laughter Ibukunoluwa in a nutshell
My teaching pattern is a person-centered teaching. I will assess you and see your level of knowledge of the subject and then I will create a guideline and teaching outlines that will work for you and along the line other changes can be made to the lessons. We will be dealing with mostly the theory part of chemistry, that might sound boring but it can be fun. I have worked with many special studen...
My teaching pattern is a person-centered teaching. I will assess you and see your level of knowledge of the subject and then I will create a guideline and teaching outlines that will work for you and along the line other changes can be made to the lessons. We will be dealing with mostly the theory part of chemistry, that might sound boring but it can be fun. I have worked with many special students, students who had zero interest in chemistry. As they advanced in the lesson they saw how fun chemistry can be.
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