Step by step we will understand the basis of good and reliable design that leads clients to successful sales.
- The course is stars with basic rules of composition and art dedication in design world. How everything connected and what it leads to.
- Afterwards we will discover some marketing basis and how it influences on graphic design
As well we will take a look to psychology view of graphic de...
Step by step we will understand the basis of good and reliable design that leads clients to successful sales.
- The course is stars with basic rules of composition and art dedication in design world. How everything connected and what it leads to.
- Afterwards we will discover some marketing basis and how it influences on graphic design
As well we will take a look to psychology view of graphic design, how people interact with the design positively and negatively.
- Than we will go to technical skills and learn some tips of perfect graphics
- Next step and we star of basis understanding of strategy branding design
( how to understand a business needs and finding out the problems that cause small sales etc. )
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