Hi there! My name is Lana Lê and I've been drawing since I was a kid. I learned to draw from a man who used to host a video class called “Let’s Draw” and his method was based on simplifying things into shapes, and it’s the method that I teach to people today.
I believe that everyone can draw, and that it just takes practice. Drawing is seeing, so the more we practice looking, the better our ski...
Hi there! My name is Lana Lê and I've been drawing since I was a kid. I learned to draw from a man who used to host a video class called “Let’s Draw” and his method was based on simplifying things into shapes, and it’s the method that I teach to people today.
I believe that everyone can draw, and that it just takes practice. Drawing is seeing, so the more we practice looking, the better our skills are at drawing.
I’m a professional illustrator and workshop facilitator in London. You can see my drawing on my website, and elsewhere on social media as @woolypear and @60secportrait on Tiktok. Thank you!