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Lalit Lal
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Lalit Lal
verified Verified data time 5 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Mechanical Engineering
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Lalit Lal in a nutshell
I am a second year undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student in Italy. I teach Maths and Physics to students especially those who are taking the GCSEs or IGCSEs. My schedule is very flexible. I am always available on the weekends and also on week days after the evening.However, I could consider to make some changes to the schedule to the student's need. For the classes, I discuss about the sit...
I am a second year undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student in Italy. I teach Maths and Physics to students especially those who are taking the GCSEs or IGCSEs. My schedule is very flexible. I am always available on the weekends and also on week days after the evening.However, I could consider to make some changes to the schedule to the student's need. For the classes, I discuss about the situations of the students and make a schedule and also a study plan to move forward. I prefer taking the classes on the Ipad which makes the presentation better and easy to grasp for the students. And of course at the end of each classes, I share the files along with extra materials to the students. Lastly, I am always available for any sort of assistance whenever it is required.
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