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Town/city/borough Sutton (London), Banstead, Colliers Wood, Epsom, Kingswood Warren, Nork, Woodmansterne
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Laiba in a nutshell
My approach to tutoring English, especially for GCSE students, is something I've honed to be both effective and engaging. This was through my study of A-Level English, of which i am predicted an A* after achieving a grade 9 at GCSE and one of the top overall marks in the year. I start my lessons with quick, 5-minute exercises that focus on identifying and analysing literary techniques and words....
My approach to tutoring English, especially for GCSE students, is something I've honed to be both effective and engaging. This was through my study of A-Level English, of which i am predicted an A* after achieving a grade 9 at GCSE and one of the top overall marks in the year. I start my lessons with quick, 5-minute exercises that focus on identifying and analysing literary techniques and words. I then take this further my imploring further exploration of context, literary intention and impact on audience/readers- a formula designed to hit all AOs which consistently produced success for both me and my students. I emphasise these short activities as not only do they fit well with students' attention spans but they build and specialise the analytical skills they need, to attain top grades in their essays.

The heart of my sessions is spent reviewing past student work together, offering constructive feedback in specific areas and redoing sections together. This is then reviewed in conjunction with model answers, many of which i construct myself to demonstrate the quality of work they should be aiming to replicate in a way that is wholly empathetic yet not belittling. This method is really powerful because it allows students to see exactly where they can improve and gives them a clear example of what to aim for. I know this means students end up doing a lot of work at home, but this is absolutely for their benefit as it ensures every minute of our time together is spent learning and growing, rather than on tasks my presence is not required for as school teaching typically involves.

While i recognise my teaching style is quite specific, it is still absolutely flexible- i always tailor my lessons and my approach to fit each student's abilities. This personalised method makes sure every student gets the appropriate guidance for success, allowing them to reach the potential every student possesses.
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