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Kate in a nutshell
My name is Kate and i reside in South Africa with my husband and four children. I am dedicated, resourceful and a goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of every student I teach. I am an accommodating and versatile teacher with the talent to develop inspiring hands-on lessons that will capture all my students' imaginations and b...
My name is Kate and i reside in South Africa with my husband and four children. I am dedicated, resourceful and a goal-driven professional educator with a solid commitment to the social and academic growth and development of every student I teach. I am an accommodating and versatile teacher with the talent to develop inspiring hands-on lessons that will capture all my students' imaginations and breed success. I am committed to creating a classroom atmosphere that is stimulating and encouraging to students. I am experienced in one-on-one tutoring and group instruction of ESL. I teach Beginner ( A1) , Elementary ( A2) , Intermediate ( B1) , Upper Intermediate ( B2) , Advanced ( C1) and Proficiency ( C2) classes.
This is what I teach: How to introduce yourself and greet others, How to share personal information, How to ask for things, New vocabulary on topics such as jobs, sport, food, clothes and furniture, Useful grammar, including the present and past simple, prepositions, possessive adjectives, How to pronounce words clearly, How to ask for clarification, Listen to understand, Make conversation with others, Use everyday English in different situations, Learn how to use the alphabet and its sounds, Make simple sentences, Use basic punctuation and spell common words.
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