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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): Medical and Health Sciences
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Klaudia in a nutshell
My lessons are thoughtfully designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to your unique learning style. I believe that a dynamic and enjoyable learning experience is crucial for effective comprehension and retention.

Here's what you can anticipate:

Interactive Learning: My lessons are far from one-sided lectures. I encourage active participation through discussions, role-playing, games, a...
My lessons are thoughtfully designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to your unique learning style. I believe that a dynamic and enjoyable learning experience is crucial for effective comprehension and retention.

Here's what you can anticipate:

Interactive Learning: My lessons are far from one-sided lectures. I encourage active participation through discussions, role-playing, games, and real-life scenarios. This fosters a deeper understanding and practical application of the language.

Personalized Approach: I understand that every student is different. Before we begin, I'll take the time to understand your goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. This enables me to customize the lessons to address your specific needs.

Multi-Media Integration: I love incorporating various multimedia resources – videos, audio clips, and interactive online tools – to create a multi-sensory learning experience. This keeps the lessons engaging and helps you grasp different aspects of language usage.

Practical Content: The content of my lessons is chosen with your real-world needs in mind. We'll focus on everyday conversations, business communication, academic writing, or any other area that aligns with your objectives.

Learning Techniques: Drawing from my experience, I'll share effective learning techniques that enhance memory retention and accelerate your language acquisition. These techniques are backed by both research and practical application.

Positive Atmosphere: Learning should be enjoyable! I create a supportive and encouraging environment where you feel comfortable making mistakes and pushing your boundaries. This approach boosts your confidence and helps you progress faster.

Progress Tracking: I believe in celebrating milestones. We'll set achievable goals together and regularly assess your progress. This ensures you're on

Ultimately, my goal is to empower you with the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps or an advanced learner refining your language skills, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way.

I'm excited to embark on this learning journey with you and help you achieve your language goals. Let's explore the world of English together and make your learning experience both enriching and enjoyable!
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