I have tutored several students with major challenges in grammar but using my engaging lessons, they have been able to improve immensely. My lessons are based on growing grammatical skills which are essential for understanding and learning English. Such skills include critical analysis and creative thinking. Furthermore, my lessons will include simple grammatical concepts such as spelling and pun...
I have tutored several students with major challenges in grammar but using my engaging lessons, they have been able to improve immensely. My lessons are based on growing grammatical skills which are essential for understanding and learning English. Such skills include critical analysis and creative thinking. Furthermore, my lessons will include simple grammatical concepts such as spelling and punctuation. Depending on the tutee's level of education, the lessons could also include revision of past papers. All the lessons have targets set for them and by the end of the tutor session, evaluation is done whether the goals have been achieved. The structure of the tutor session is simple. First there is a recap of the previous tutor session. Second is the debrief and activities where the majority content of the session is covered and lastly third session involves answering any questions the tutee has and reviewing whether goals for the session have been achieved. The lessons are also personalized meaning the lessons depend on the tutee's ability. The lessons are fun, engaging but most importantly they are set to improve the tutee's academical abilities.
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