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Town/city/borough Wolverhampton
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Kiera in a nutshell
I take an interactive approach to teaching, using a whiteboard and asking students questions on the content to identify problem areas- then further expanding to ensure the student is confident in their knowledge before consolidating it in assisted exam practice. My lessons operate a lot like a discussion to ensure the student is happy with the content by the end of the session.
I am a very frien...
I take an interactive approach to teaching, using a whiteboard and asking students questions on the content to identify problem areas- then further expanding to ensure the student is confident in their knowledge before consolidating it in assisted exam practice. My lessons operate a lot like a discussion to ensure the student is happy with the content by the end of the session.
I am a very friendly, welcoming individual who is incredibly passionate about biology and teaching, which I believe is mirrored in my tutoring style.
I aim to create an environment where students feel comfortable acknowledging areas they are less confident on, and to discover how they learn best in order to provide a high standard of teaching.
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