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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: English Literature BA
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Kelsey in a nutshell
I start all my sessions getting to know my students, what they already know about the subject and what in particular are they struggling with. We will focus on these aspects that need improvement and measure progress each week by reviewing the last weeks lesson for around 5-10 minutes. Depending on the students struggles, I will provide a worksheet that we will use as a starter activity. I try to...
I start all my sessions getting to know my students, what they already know about the subject and what in particular are they struggling with. We will focus on these aspects that need improvement and measure progress each week by reviewing the last weeks lesson for around 5-10 minutes. Depending on the students struggles, I will provide a worksheet that we will use as a starter activity. I try to make my activities as fun and enjoyable as possible in order for the student to properly gain an understanding on issues they have had within the subject. I will be sharing some of my own personal techniques I use to revise, which I hope will give you some guidance and show you that revising doesn't always have to be boring! For students studying English for their upcoming exams, I use past papers and past exam questions. I've had many years of tutoring whilst I was studying my A-Levels, so fully equipped to help with whatever literary struggles you may be facing! I am available for any last minute exam prep, or if you are just beginning to look into these texts, I am also able to do in-depth lessons where we go through the full text. We can do this over a few weeks or if you would prefer a 'crash course', in a smaller amount of time, this is something I can provide.
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