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Kel in a nutshell
Over time, we will develop which techinque suits you more. Choose between 1 regular lesson every week, or 3 if needed. Whatever it is, I am here to support you.
I will start by presenting myself and discover what your struggles are. Don't know where to start? I will choose it for you.
Let me be honest, it is not easy, but it isn't as hard as most make it seem like. It's achievable for all.
Over time, we will develop which techinque suits you more. Choose between 1 regular lesson every week, or 3 if needed. Whatever it is, I am here to support you.
I will start by presenting myself and discover what your struggles are. Don't know where to start? I will choose it for you.
Let me be honest, it is not easy, but it isn't as hard as most make it seem like. It's achievable for all.
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