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Keerat Kaur
1st class free
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Keerat Kaur
Town/city/borough Melbourne
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Keerat Kaur in a nutshell
Inorder to learn web designing, one needs to start learning from basic Html, Css and JavaScript. After this comes the advance version like HTML5, CSS3 and libraries like Bootstrap, JQuery, React, Redux which helps in creating advanced version of websites. I can make you cover from lower to intermediate level so as to define a path for you to achieve more. I am still learning the complex concepts...
Inorder to learn web designing, one needs to start learning from basic Html, Css and JavaScript. After this comes the advance version like HTML5, CSS3 and libraries like Bootstrap, JQuery, React, Redux which helps in creating advanced version of websites. I can make you cover from lower to intermediate level so as to define a path for you to achieve more. I am still learning the complex concepts which i will be teaching soon.
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